4 Tips for Rolling Sponge Cake Easily and Effectively


Indonesia has a variety of cakes with flavors that can tantalize our taste buds. One that is favored by many people is the sponge roll cake. However, making sponge roll cake can be a bit tricky due to its unique shape. So, if we want to try making sponge roll cake but are afraid of difficulties in rolling it, it’s worth trying to apply the following four tips for rolling sponge roll cake:

  1. Remove the Sponge Cake Once Cooked:
    Take the cooked sponge cake out of the oven and immediately remove it from the baking pan. You can do this by pulling the parchment paper used as the base of the dough, or by gently tapping the cake upside down until it comes off.
  2. Roll While Hot:
    A freshly cooked sponge cake is easier to roll than one that has cooled down. This is because a hot sponge cake is more flexible and easier to shape. Meanwhile, a cold cake is already hard and stiff, making it more likely to break when rolled. After rolling the hot sponge cake, leave it rolled up until it cools down for about 30 minutes. Once the cake is cold, slowly unroll it, then let it sit again until the cake is completely cold for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Roll While Hot:
    A freshly cooked sponge cake is easier to roll than one that has cooled down. This is because a hot sponge cake is more flexible and easier to shape. Meanwhile, a cold cake is already hard and stiff, making it more likely to break when rolled. After rolling the hot sponge cake, leave it rolled up until it cools down for about 30 minutes. Once the cake is cold, slowly unroll it, then let it sit again until the cake is completely cold for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Roll the Sponge Cake Again:
    After filling all parts of the sponge cake roll evenly with jam, roll the cake again slowly. Then cover the sponge cake roll with plastic wrap, seal tightly, chill for 8 hours, and serve.

Easy, right? With the four tips for rolling sponge roll cake mentioned above, now we can easily make sponge roll cakes anytime to be served on the dining table. For even more convenience, don’t forget to use Gusto’s Surabaya Layer Cake Premix Flour and Sponge Roll.

Gusto’s Surabaya Layer Cake Premix Flour and Sponge Roll consist of quality ingredients that have been precisely measured, allowing us to be creative in making cakes in a practical and cost-effective way.





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